
Mom's Guide: Avon

June 9, 2016

Kim Szegi is a Independent Sales Representative/ Team Leader with Avon. Kim has been with the company for 31 years. She devotes 30 hours per week on her business.

Check out the Q & A with Kim below. If you would like more information about starting your own Avon business or Avon products please contact Kim Szegi here:


Why is your company right for you?

I love having flexible hour and being my own boss.

How many, if any, people have you recruited for your team?

I have been with Avon over 30 year and I have recruited
170 and counting.

What are the best perks to your job?

Earning Trips and bonuses are fantastic!

What is the biggest challenge of your job?

Recruiting new people for my team.

Why is your job worth your time?

I like to help my team members reach their goals.

What is the buy-in?

$15.00 to start.

What do you pay out of pocket every month?

I buy
brochures and samples to hand out to perspective costumers. 

Does your income come from your sales or the sales of the people who you recruited for your team?

My income comes from both.

What's your favorite product in the line that you recommend?

Skin so soft , Anew skin care

What does your income supplement?

My new car!

Advice for anyone looking to get into Direct Sales?

You get to
work from home and set your own hours and days around your family .